2018 Bird-a-thon Fundraiser Announced (April 1-30)

Chaa Creek Team.JPG

April is the time of our biggest fundraising event, the Belize Bird Conservancy Bird-a-thon. This year we celebrate the 6th bird-a-thon, a fun time of the year when we get to spend the day counting birds throughout Belize with friends. Our goal is to have fun, but our ultimate result is to raise money for our research, conservation and education work, while competing for prizes.

This competition also has a much-coveted goal among lodges.  To win the H. Lee Jones Cup! Lodges in Belize attract visitors interested in the bountiful nature Belize has to offer.  Expert guides help them see and enjoy everything which surrounds them. We invite you to enter the bird-a-thon competition and challenge fellow lodge managers and guides to a friendly competition for “the birdiest lodge”. The rules are the standard ones for a bird-a-thon, but you must count birds observed only within a 5-mile circle encompassing your lodge, within 24-hours.  This must be done between April 1 and April 30. The team can count at any time within their chosen day.

We want to encourage your lodge to include guests that would like to participate in this event and assist with your lodge’s fundraising effort. The lodge can offer the day of birding to guests, with the resulting revenue as a contribution to the Bird-a-thon.  Alternatively, guests pay the lodge for the birding tour, but pledge an amount determined before the bird-a-thon, as contribution for the event.  If both the lodge and your guests contribute, even better.  We appreciate any donation to support our research and conservation work.

Last year there were several competing lodges, which included Caves Branch Jungle Lodge, Bocawina Rainforest Resort, Mystic River Resort, Lamanai Outpost Lodge, The Lodge at Chaa Creek, The Farm Inn and Black Rock Lodge. Last year, Caves Branch Jungle Lodge and Lamanai Outpost Lodge ended in a tie, with 206 species and taking home the H. Lee Jones Cup. Our goal is to have 20 participating lodges this year. Register your team, form your team, choose your date, find sponsors and compete to win prizes! Does your lodge have what it takes to take home the cup this year, which will be showcased at your lodge? Register your team today by emailing us at belizebirdconservancy@gmail.com and sending your $100bz registration fee.

Go get more information on this event here.